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The Society for Hematopathology Welcomes Member Involvement in Committees

The Society for Hematopathology welcomes contributions of content for our educational resources and the involvement of their members in our committees.

Education Committee
The Education Committee accepts applications for new committee members from November 1 - December 31.

The Education Committee provides hematopathology-focused educational resources to the entire SH membership including trainees, community pathologists, and academic pathologists. Additionally, it informs and facilitates discussion among the Program Directors about issues related to hematopathology fellowship. The Education Committee hosts the Hematopathology Fellowship Program Directors meeting at the annual USCAP meeting.

The Education Committee invites applications for new committee members from November 1 - December 31, at which time we will accept application submissions. Please complete and email the attached form and a copy of your CV to [email protected], attention to Education Committee Chair, include “EC Member Application” as your subject in the email.

The Education Committee invites applications from pathologists in training (with SH Associate Membership) for a term of 1 year, beginning July 1st. The member must be enrolled in a Hematopathology fellowship during their entire term. The Education Committee accepts applications for this position between January 1 - March 1 of the year of commencement of the term. Applicants will be notified as to their status by April 1 of the year of commencement of the term. The primary role for this member is to help EC understand the hematopathology needs of trainees and help formulate optimal platforms and resources to meet those needs. They will participate in Education Committee projects as needed. Interested applicants should complete the attached form and email their CV and one letter of recommendation from a faculty member they have worked with in the past 4 years to [email protected]

Communications Committeee
The Communications Committee works to develop engagement and networking activities on social media platforms and to regularly monitor and update the website. The committee is also responsible for ensuring effective communication of the organization with members and with a global audience. Each bulleted committee will need a landing page.

The Communications Committee focuses on developing strategies for member and non-member engagement and outreach. Committee members are typically expected to manage one or more of the SH social media platforms, at a minimum. If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, please email [email protected], with: "Attn: Communications Committee Chair" in the subject line. Please include your CV and a description of your skills and interests related to our mission.

Note: All committee members must be Society members in good standing. Visit this page to join the Society or renew your existing membership.