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Case of the Quarter Submission

Committee Members

Julianne Qualtieri, M.D., Education Committee (Member), COQ Sub-Committee (Chair)
Sandeep Gurbaxni, MBBS, Ph.D., COQ Sub-Committee
Nadine Aguilera, M.D., Education Committee (Member), COQ Sub-Committee

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

The Case of the Quarter (COQ) is designed to present interesting, timely topics to the Society for Hematopathology (SH) members by presentation and discussion of case studies. One or two scanned whole-slide images, still images including of relevant ancillary testing, five multiple-choice questions, and CME credit selection are part of each case.

The COQ Chair edits and formats selected case write-ups and coordinates whole-slide imaging. COQ Committee members review the edited/formatted write-ups for content and clarity.

Potential cases for COQ should be submitted to the individual chairing the COQ to ensure timeliness of the topic, that a similar case has not been recently or simultaneously submitted, and scheduling in a timely manner. Trainees are encouraged to participate in case write-ups in partnership with SH-member mentors.

For further information and to submit a case, please contact: [email protected]