A Full-time Academic Faculty Positions Open in Hematopathology Division at Duke University Medical Center and Duke Cancer Institute
The Department of Pathology at Duke University Medical Center invites applications for a full-time academic faculty position in hematopathology division due to advanced clinical hematology/Oncology development. Clinical responsibilities will include evaluation and sign-out of bone marrow, lymph node, and other hematopathology specimens, including interpreting flow cytometry, molecular diagnostic, cytogentic and NGS results. Successful candidates will be expected to combine excellent diagnostic pathology abilities with strong motivation and skill in teaching and to participate in clinical or translationa l research efforts.
The Hematopathology Division is one of the busiest service Divisions in the Department at the Duke Medical Center. The Hematopathology Division has built several large lymphoma consortia in the nation. Current research programs include genomic, epigenomic and gene expression profiling in large series of 6,000 patients with lymphoma and lymphoid diseases. Lymphoma multicenter collaboration systems have been established with rich translational research resources and cancer center support.
The Department of Pathology and University provide support for nationally recognized academic and clinical services, including the NCI-designated Cancer Center, Duke University Hospital. There is a broad referral foundation that drives a busy outreach and consultation service. This work is supported by state - of-the-art histology, flow cytometry, molecular diagnostics, and cytogenetics laboratories, world-class bioinformatics and core facilities. An excellent training program with fellows, residents, and medical students complements the clinical functions. All these academic activity occurs within the rich academic environment of Duke University School of Medicine, providing an excellent environment for professional and academic career development.
Board certification in anatomic and/or clinical pathology,subspecialty training in hematopathology, flow cytometry and molecular diagnostics, and eligibility for licensure in the State of North Carolina are required. Salary is based upon background and experience.
Located in the beautiful geographical region of the nation, Duke University Medical Center is one of the leadingmedicalresearchandteachinginstitutions. Durham/ChapelHill,NCisagrowingcosmopolitan area with a population exceeding 1.6 million, diverse entertainment, ~80 pharmaceutical and biotechologyenterprisesincludingAppleandAmazonbranches,excellentschools,decentatmosphere, and extensive access to outdoor landscape and ocean activities.
Interested candidates with strong clinical and translational research skills should submit curriculum vitae and three letters of reference via Duke University Portal System.
Please visit established application link, answer few licensure questions and load your CV, LOI and three recommendations letters (cc to my AA, Donna Noblitt and my attention).
If you have any question, please feel free to contact Jessica (Recruitment staff) and Donna Noblitt (my AA).
Jessica Ward | Physician Recruiter, Medical Staff Recruitment Private Diagnostic Clinic
(919)684-4953|Cell: 919-308-5995
4825 Creekstone Dr., Suite 250
Durham, NC 27703
[email protected]
Donna Noblitt
Staff Assistant to Dr. Ken Young
Duke University Health System Department of Pathology
40 Duke Medicine Circle
Green Zone, 3rd Floor, Room 315M
Durham,NC 27710
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Ken H. Young, MD, PhD
Cc: Donna Noblitt
Professor and Director
Division of Hematopathology
Duke University Medical Center and Duke Cancer Institute Durham, NC 27710
Email: [email protected]
Duke University and Medical Center are affirmative action and equal opportunity employers.